It is the intent of this ordinance to prohibit signs of a commercial nature from districts in which commercial activities are not permitted; to limit signs in the more restricted commercial districts, except as otherwise permitted in this ordinance, to those of an on-site variety and to control the number and area of such signs; and to control the number and area of signs in certain other districts.

The following listed signs will be permitted in Districts “SF1”, “SF2”, “MF1”, “MF2”, “CUP”, “LI” and “HI”, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance.

(1)   Unilluminated “For Sale” and “For Rent” and other unilluminated single- or double-faced business signs subject to the following regulations:

(a)   Only one sign shall be permitted per lot in “SF1”, “SF2”, “MF1”, and “MF2” districts.

(b)   No sign in districts “SF1, “SF2”, “MF1”, or “MF2” shall exceed four square feet in area.

(c)   Signs shall be located no closer than five feet from any property line and shall not obstruct traffic.

(2)   Bulletin boards and signs for churches and other public institutions subject to the following regulations:

(a)   One sign or bulletin board shall be permitted on each street side if located on the same site as the principal building.

(b)   If sign or bulletin board is illuminated, the lights shall be directed away from adjoining residential uses.

(c)   No sign shall be located closer than five feet from any side or rear property line and shall not obstruct traffic.

(d)   A sign or bulletin board located in the front yard shall be no closer to the street line than five feet.

(e)   Ground signs shall be permanently anchored to the ground.

(f)   on corner lots, no sign shall be constructed or located that will obstruct the view of traffic approaching the street intersection.

In District “NS”, “CBD”, “LI”, and “HI” single or double faced business signs shall be permitted subject to regulations set forth in the building code and in this ordinance.

(1)   Flashing signs shall be permitted after it is first determined by the building official that the location and colors will not create a traffic hazard or confusion with traffic lights and with lights on emergency vehicle and that the direct rays of the sign will not be directed into any residential district.

(2)   Non-flashing signs shall be permitted providing the sign is illuminated only during business hours or until 11:00 p.m., whichever is later, when the sign is located adjacent a residential district; providing that where the sign is illuminated by a light or lights reflected upon it, direct rays of light shall not beam upon any residential building, or into any residential district or into any street. Clocks and/or thermometers installed for public convenience and information are exempt from the time limitation.

(3)   Lighted signs in direct vision of a traffic signal shall not be in red, green or amber illumination.

(4)   No sign shall project over any street or alley right-of-way.

(5)   Any sign located within three feet of a driveway or parking area or within 50 feet of the intersection of two or more streets shall have its lowest elevation at least 10 feet above curb level.

(6)   In a unified shopping center in single ownership or control, one additional sign may be erected to identify the center. The sign may be free standing or attached to the building wall. The sign shall be at least ten feet above ground level.

(7)   A maximum of two signs shall be allowed for a business or profession conducted on the premises.

(8)   No sign shall be permitted in the road or highway right-of-way and no sign shall be located in a manner to constitute a traffic hazard.

(9)   Sandwich board signs may be allowed providing the sign is permanently affixed to the surface on which it rests.

(10) Where buildings or structures are established or are hereafter established on the property line, advertising and business signs shall conform with the following requirements, providing they are constructed and maintained in accordance with the building code of the city.

(a)   The advertising or business sign shall be affixed flat against the face of the building or the front edge of a marquee. The front edge of the marquee shall be considered that portion , of the marquee which is parallel to the street.

(b)   Where a sign is illuminated by light directed upon it, the direct rays of light shall not beam upon any part of any existing residential district.

(c)   Lighted signs in the direct vision of traffic shall not be in red, green or amber illumination.

(d)   Flashing signs shall be allowed only upon approval of the building official, providing it is first determined that the sign will not create a traffic hazard or confusion with traffic lights or with lights on emergency vehicle.

(e)   Any sign located within three feet of a driveway or parking area or within 50 feet of the intersection of two or more streets shall have the lowest elevations at least 10 feet above the curb level.

(f)   Where signs are affixed to canopies and marques, the canopy or marquee shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the building code of the city.

(11) Where buildings have observed a setback of 25 feet or more from the property line, signs may be erected in a required front yard but no sign shall overhang the public sidewalk, street or street right-of-way line and the sign shall conform with the following requirements:

(a)   All signs shall be permanently affixed to the ground, pole or building or other permanent structure.

(b)   Only one sign shall be allowed for each street frontage.

(12) Signs hereafter erected, constructed or reconstructed, which are supported by the ground, shall have all posts or supporting structure embedded in concrete.

(13) Free standing signs shall be constructed to withstand a pressure of 30 pounds per square foot of sign area.