Definitions for the interpretation of the subdivision regulations are as follows:

(1)   Alley: A public thoroughfare which provides only a secondary means of access to abutting property, the right-of-way of which is 20 feet or less in width.

(2)   Approved Public Sanitary Sewer System: A sewage disposal plant, main sanitary sewer lines and other lines approved by the city and/or the board of county commissioners of Shawnee County, Kansas, and by the Kansas State Department of Health.

(3)   Approved Public Waste System: Water treatment plant and service lines approved by the city, and by the Kansas state Department of Health.

(4)   Block: A piece or parcel of land entirely surrounded by public highway, streets, streams, railroad rights-of-way or parks, etc. or a combination thereof.

(5)   Comprehensive Plan: The duly adopted comprehensive plan for the development of the community which includes maps, charts, illustrations and texts for the following:

(a)   Land use studies

(b)   Goals and objectives

(c)   Population study and forecasts (d) Economic base study

(e)   Housing survey

(f)   Major thoroughfare plan

(g)   Central business district plan

(h)   Community facilities and public utilities plan

(i)    General development plan

(6)   Cul-de-sac: A street having one end open to traffic and permanently terminated by a vehicle turnaround.

(7)   Design: The location of streets, alignment of streets, grades and widths of streets, alignment of easements, grades and widths of easements, alignment and right-of-way of easements for drainage and sanitary sewers, and the minimum lot area, width and length.

(8)   Easement: A grant by the subdivider and/or property owner to the public, a corporation, or persons, of the use of a strip of land for specific purposes.

(9)   Final Plat: A plan or map prepared in accordance with the provisions of these subdivision regulations and those of any other applicable local regulation, which plat is prepared to be placed on record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Shawnee County, Kansas.

(10) Governing Body: The City Council of the City of Auburn, Kansas.

(11) Improvement: Streets and utilities that are to be constructed or are agreed to be constructed, by the subdivider on the land to be used for subdivider on the land to be used for public or private use by the lot owners in the subdivision.

(12) Lot: A portion of land in a subdivision, or other parcel of land, intended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for development.

(13) Lot, Interior: A lot other than a corner lot which has frontage on one street only.

(14) Lot, Corner: A lot abutting upon two or more streets at their intersection.

(15) Lot, Double Frontage: A lot having a frontage on two nonintersection streets.

(16) Major Thoroughfare: A street, highway or roadway designated as a major street in the approved comprehensive plan.

(17) Marginal Access streets or Frontage Roads: A minor street which is parallel and adjacent to a major street, highway, or railroad right-of-way and provides access to abutting properties.

(18) Pedestrian Way: A right-of-way dedicated to public use, which cuts across a block to facilitate pedestrian access to adjacent streets and properties.

(19) Planning Area: The City of Auburn, Kansas and all land in Shawnee County lying outside the city, but within three miles of the city limits.

(20) Planning Commission: The city planning commission of Auburn, Kansas.

(21) Preliminary Plat: A map made for the purpose of showing the design of a proposed subdivision and the existing conditions in and around it. This map need not be based on accurate or detailed final survey of the property or lots in the subdivision.

(22) Secretary: Secretary of the planning commission.

(23) Setback Line or Building Line: A line on a plat, generally parallel to the street right-of-way, indicating the limit beyond which buildings or structures may not be erected or altered.

(24) Street: A right-of-way, other than an alley, dedicated to the public use, or a private right-of-way serving more than one ownership, which provides principal vehicular and pedestrian access to adjacent properties.

(25) Subdivider: A person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association who causes land to be subdivided for himself, herself or for others.

(26) Subdivision: The division of a tract of land into two or more lots or parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development. If a new street is involved, any division of a parcel of land. The term subdivision includes resubdivison and term “Resubdivision” as used herein, shall include any further subdivision of a lot or parcel of land previously subdivided, for sale, use, or other purposes, which varies from the latest, approved subdivision of the same.